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Nina Jackowicz, Deepfakes


A distinguished advocate promoting diversity and inclusion within the technology sector

Nina Jackowicz has been a significant figure in fighting misinformation online and gendered abuse. She is raising awareness on the alarming number of pornographic deepfakes that are targeted at women. She has been advising governments, and tech companies about the damaging effect of this.

Her book How to be a Women Online is definitely worth a further read. Alongside this, she has set up the Hypathia Project which aims to combat gendered abuse and misinformation. The project will document these abuses, equip targets with safety tools, and advocate for policy changes to make the internet safer. She is also the founder and director of the American Sunlight Project, an initiative dedicated to shining a light on the often opaque processes behind AI and data-driven technologies. Its mission is to ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed in ways that are transparent, accountable, and beneficial to society. Definitely worth checking out, especially in the context of a woman now running for US presidency in November, where sadly this sort of content is likely to be more rife than ever.